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17 October 2024

Report launch – Employer engagement with colleges and how colleges support business with the adoption and diffusion of innovation

A report delving into the critical role Scotland’s colleges can play in driving innovation within small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) has been launched at an event held at Edinburgh College today (Thursday 17 October).

The College Innovation Network (CIN) has published its report titled ‘Employer engagement with colleges and the adoption and diffusion of innovation’. The ground-breaking report recognises the potential impact that colleges can have on the innovation ecosystem, and explores the current depth of college engagement with SMEs in Scotland and how colleges can support further innovation adoption within businesses.

Established in 2023, the CIN brings together representatives from across Scotland’s colleges and aims to promote and support the fostering of innovation in the sector.

The network’s new report, funded by the Gatsby Charitable Foundation, presents findings based on a variety of stakeholder engagement activities and two comprehensive questionnaires, capturing the perspectives of both businesses and colleges.

The research reveals that while Scottish colleges engage with employers across a range of services, support for innovation is still in its early stages – primarily due to capacity issues within colleges; a need for clearer understanding from businesses surrounding the innovation landscape; and need for change to policy and funding streams to enable colleges to support businesses to innovate.

Despite this, the study also highlights a clear demand from SMEs for practical support and academic expertise from colleges and a strong willingness to collaborate in order to grow their business.

As Scotland continues to develop its innovation landscape, the insights from this report are intended to serve as a valuable resource for policymakers, businesses, and educators alike. The College Innovation Network looks forward to working closely with partners to strengthen the links between colleges and SMEs, driving forward an innovation agenda that benefits the wider national economy.

This report represents a critical step in understanding how we can better support innovation in Scottish SMEs through our colleges. There is a tremendous opportunity for colleges to become key players in the innovation ecosystem, and this report helps us understand the necessary steps to enhance that role.
Shona Pettigrew, Director of Enterprise and Knowledge Exchange at Edinburgh College
Working alongside colleagues from across the college sector to deliver this report has proved really interesting and informative. We have seen first-hand how government interventions have really helped to stimulate economic activity through innovation in other parts of the UK and with the right support, colleges in Scotland could do the same with their wealth of knowledge and expertise.
Duncan Abernethy, Director of Business Development at North East Scotland College
Innovation is at the heart of economic growth, and West College Scotland along with our partner colleges are committed to bridging the gap between our academic expertise and business needs. This report highlights the clear demand for practical support from Scottish businesses to support their innovation journey and improve productivity. By fostering deeper collaboration with both small and larger businesses we aim to not only promote innovation but also to shape a more competitive and resilient economy.
Sara Rae, Assistant Principal: Enterprise and Skills at West College Scotland
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Employer Engagement with Colleges and how Colleges support Business with the Adoption and Diffusion of Innovation

Read the report